YuuHuu! Hello, so sorry for rarely posting dude! I have so many stories for you.
Firstly, happy fasting month everybadeeh :) I'm so sorry for all my mistakes yeep! Hope this month will be a great fasting month. Why? Because I have a boyfriend in this year muihihi. Actually, I've been with him since last fasting month. But not as a couple for exactly.
Secondly, say hello to Java Rockin' Land!! Yippiee! JRL will be held on October. I must come to this event. MUST! I've checked JRL's site and they said The Kooks is one of the artist wish list. WHOAAA!!! Can't wait for it. JRL is my sweetest memory with him :') without JRL, I won't be his girlfriend hoahaha. This year should be more cool than previously.
And the last... hm.. I hate July for sure! And I hate the beginning of this August too. I had a lot of fights with Abang in end of July and the beginning of August. It was sucks! We almost broke up for many times but fortunately it didn't. Spend my day without him, GAH! It will be awkward.
Me & You will be okay, rite? I believe that. I should change my behaviour and you should stop act like a jerk.
Agustus 09, 2010
Juli 28, 2010
NFG? Do you have an idea why I wrote NFG on my tittle? Yep! Bingo! -..-
NFG means New Found Glory!!! Yee-haa! Akhir-akhir ini gue lagi dengerin lagu mereka mulu di iPod. Padahal tau nya udah dr lama bangeettttt! Pas abang gue SMA. Pas jaman-jaman nya glory of love hihi kalo lagi dengerin iPod ato dengerin lagu di hp pasti kebanyakan yg di playlist gue New Found Glory :D paling sama lagu nya sugarcult yg memory muahahaha lawas bener ye? Tapi asik loh. You guys should have their songs! You won't regret folks!
The greatest songs --> my friends over you, stay, the promise, lovefool, king of wishful things
NFG means New Found Glory!!! Yee-haa! Akhir-akhir ini gue lagi dengerin lagu mereka mulu di iPod. Padahal tau nya udah dr lama bangeettttt! Pas abang gue SMA. Pas jaman-jaman nya glory of love hihi kalo lagi dengerin iPod ato dengerin lagu di hp pasti kebanyakan yg di playlist gue New Found Glory :D paling sama lagu nya sugarcult yg memory muahahaha lawas bener ye? Tapi asik loh. You guys should have their songs! You won't regret folks!
The greatest songs --> my friends over you, stay, the promise, lovefool, king of wishful things
you caught me cause you want me and one day you'll let me go. You try to give away a keeper, or keep me cause you know you're just so scared to lose. And you say, 'Stay'
Juli 16, 2010
being hardworker
Sekarang gue udah kelas 12! Sebentar lagi ngadepin UN dan kuliah!
Gue harus berubah. Gaboleh kaya murid kelas 11 lagi, gaboleh kebanyakan main&santai, gaboleh pacaran terus! Karena gue pengen masuk Universitas Indonesia. Cita-cita gue pengen pake jaket kuning. Masuk Universitas favorit sekarang susah banget. Berdasarkan pengalaman orang-orang terdekat gue, uang itu sangat penting untuk menentukan kuliah kita. Apalagi tiap tahun makin susah katanya. Dan tahun gue ini katanya makin sulit aja. Nyokap gue makin parno dan akhir nya gue dimasukin bimbel. Bimbel nya jauh bangeeett dr rumah gue. Sengaja, biar gue jauh dr temen2 gue biar gue ganti lingkungan dan bisa serius belajar. Gue ngambil bimbel di bta 45 tebet. Kata mas Bimo sih bagus hm we'll see!
Pas daftar dikasih selebaran gt disuruh ngisi tujuan kuliah nya dan gue isi :
1. Universitas Indonesia jurusan FISIP (perpajakan/viskal)
2. Universitas Padjajaran jurusan Hubungan Internasional
3. Universitas Indonesia jurusan Sastra Inggris
Muluk ya? Biarin! Ini malah jd motivasi gue utk maju, azzeeekk haha. Meskipun gue bukan dr sekolah favorit bahkan hanya segelintir orang yg tau letak sekolah gue dimana tapi mental gue gabakal ciut. Gue bakal ngebuktiin ke elo-elo yg sekolah nya bagus dan sepupu2 gue yg sekolah nya gaada yg jelek kalo gue bakal ngalahin lo di kuliah nanti ^__^
I have to be a hardworker in this year. No more mall, no more internet, no more games, no more boy! eh? Kayanya too much deh. Yg tadi boong deng haha gamungkin lah berpisah dr itu semua -_- yg penting membagi waktunya yega?
well, here I come Universitas Indonesia
Gue harus berubah. Gaboleh kaya murid kelas 11 lagi, gaboleh kebanyakan main&santai, gaboleh pacaran terus! Karena gue pengen masuk Universitas Indonesia. Cita-cita gue pengen pake jaket kuning. Masuk Universitas favorit sekarang susah banget. Berdasarkan pengalaman orang-orang terdekat gue, uang itu sangat penting untuk menentukan kuliah kita. Apalagi tiap tahun makin susah katanya. Dan tahun gue ini katanya makin sulit aja. Nyokap gue makin parno dan akhir nya gue dimasukin bimbel. Bimbel nya jauh bangeeett dr rumah gue. Sengaja, biar gue jauh dr temen2 gue biar gue ganti lingkungan dan bisa serius belajar. Gue ngambil bimbel di bta 45 tebet. Kata mas Bimo sih bagus hm we'll see!
Pas daftar dikasih selebaran gt disuruh ngisi tujuan kuliah nya dan gue isi :
1. Universitas Indonesia jurusan FISIP (perpajakan/viskal)
2. Universitas Padjajaran jurusan Hubungan Internasional
3. Universitas Indonesia jurusan Sastra Inggris
Muluk ya? Biarin! Ini malah jd motivasi gue utk maju, azzeeekk haha. Meskipun gue bukan dr sekolah favorit bahkan hanya segelintir orang yg tau letak sekolah gue dimana tapi mental gue gabakal ciut. Gue bakal ngebuktiin ke elo-elo yg sekolah nya bagus dan sepupu2 gue yg sekolah nya gaada yg jelek kalo gue bakal ngalahin lo di kuliah nanti ^__^
I have to be a hardworker in this year. No more mall, no more internet, no more games, no more boy! eh? Kayanya too much deh. Yg tadi boong deng haha gamungkin lah berpisah dr itu semua -_- yg penting membagi waktunya yega?
well, here I come Universitas Indonesia
And the first time we set eyes and decided to be with each other, would like the beginning of our hell and heaven
And every minute that we spend together, will be like a very bumpy roller coaster ride
Me & you. We've been together since 8 months ago. Many problems in our relationship and finally we could make it through. I never thought before that we'll be together for a long time. Many people asked me, "why you choose him to be your boyfriend? he always act like an idiot!" and I just can said, "wish there was a more logical explanation to fallin' in love with him. One day I just realize that I'm in love with him. Just as simple and as silly as that. Weird, huh?"
Btw, I made a srawberry puding for him in our monthsarry. Sweet, eh? :b
And every minute that we spend together, will be like a very bumpy roller coaster ride
Me & you. We've been together since 8 months ago. Many problems in our relationship and finally we could make it through. I never thought before that we'll be together for a long time. Many people asked me, "why you choose him to be your boyfriend? he always act like an idiot!" and I just can said, "wish there was a more logical explanation to fallin' in love with him. One day I just realize that I'm in love with him. Just as simple and as silly as that. Weird, huh?"
Btw, I made a srawberry puding for him in our monthsarry. Sweet, eh? :b
Juli 08, 2010
its just a shit!
Everybody wants the good life
But now you can't settle for the easy ride, take life the hard way
Because life is not always diamonds and chocolate, usually it's just plain solid rocks and shits
But now you can't settle for the easy ride, take life the hard way
Because life is not always diamonds and chocolate, usually it's just plain solid rocks and shits
Sekarang gue lagi bener2 ngerasa ada di hard way nya hidup. Karna semua hal yang gue bener2 gue mauin ga pernah bagus di mata orang-orang terdekat gue. Hellooo! this is my life, rite? Do your own business and stop bothering mine!
Gue akuin kalo gue ini emang belum dewasa. Banyak hal yang belum bisa gue handle sendiri. But give me a chance, mom. Just for a moment.. Can I doing things I really wanna do?
I always feel like I'm a stupid girl. Why? Its because I feel many people always bothering me. Selalu nganggep gue lemah, enteng, dan gampang dibegoin. Is it right? Kalo pun emang iya gue bakal berusaha jadi lebih baik. I just need one thing, dude. Just give me a chance and I will prove you if I can be better!
Juli 06, 2010
midnite was turn into a shit time to cry
I know I've been selfish,
I know I've been foolish,
but look through that and you will see,
I'll do better, I know,
Baby, I can do better
I know I've been foolish,
but look through that and you will see,
I'll do better, I know,
Baby, I can do better
migliore amica per sempre!
last monday I went to Carita with half-of-socialtwo ++ Mukie&Amon. It was a great moment for us eventhough many people didnt join into this trip. We stay for 2 nights in there and it was like "3 hari 'tuk selamanya" *cailaaaah. I love them much and much more than anyone else --> Prita, Bonggeng, Uchal, Acil, Santos, && MukieAmon. Amon is Mukie's girlf and thats why he came to Carita with us -_- they just act like a new bride aheemm and I was envy of their intimacy :( my boyfriend wasn't there with us :"( we were havin' fun together.. BBQ, Banana Boat, Beach, and the others. You guys must be envy with us ^_^

I've got a tatto for my dearest one :)

banana boat hiaa here we come!

I've got a tatto for my dearest one :)

FYI : gue dapet hadiah kenang-kenangan dr Carita loh :') (re : luka-koreng kena batu2 pinggir pantai -_-)
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Ti amo il mio migliore amico per sempre.....
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Ti amo il mio migliore amico per sempre.....
Juli 03, 2010
Tak'kan kubiarkan kau menangis
Tak'kan kubiarkan kau terkikis
Terluka perasaan oleh semua ucapan ku
Maafkanlah semua sifat kasar ku
Bukan maksud untuk melukai mu
Aku hanyalah orang yang penuh rasa cemburu
Bila kau tak di samping ku
~sheila on 7 - bila kau tak disampingku
Tak'kan kubiarkan kau terkikis
Terluka perasaan oleh semua ucapan ku
Maafkanlah semua sifat kasar ku
Bukan maksud untuk melukai mu
Aku hanyalah orang yang penuh rasa cemburu
Bila kau tak di samping ku
~sheila on 7 - bila kau tak disampingku
Juni 24, 2010
Addio Italia
last night was terrible for Italy and me of course. Italy vs Slovakia and the result is 2 - 3 :"( I was crying because of their defeat, crying out loud! Oh my God.. I couldnt see Italy again in this world cup. I couldnt see Buffon as keeper, Cannavaro as captain, Iaquinta, Di Natale, Pepe, De Rossi, Zambrotta, Pirlo, and the others. Poor Marcello Lippi. When the game was over, he immediately came out from the field. He must be very disappointed. Yes, just like me! oh, but I'm proud of Italy. In the late game, Di Natale and Quaqliarella made a goal. But poor them. Slovakia made a goal too. Federico Marchetti was idiot. Buffon got injured and thats why he didnt play in the game. And then I bet if Pirlo played earlier in the game Italy will be a winner. Gah! but, it was just too late. This year isn't yours Lippi. Addio Italia! vedervi in coppa del mondo accanto...

The Fear
I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear
Juni 21, 2010
Craziest Fam!
sabtu kmrn gue nobar sm keluarga besar di Bogor Nirwana. Pertandingan nya Belanda vs Jepang hm sebener nya gue gaterlalu tertarik sih tapi pada dukung Belanda jadi ya ikutan deh haha. Nah ini dia keluarga besar gue yg rusuh

My dearest mom and dad
Social two
I think social two was sucks. Why? bcause many people wants to be with their own friends. Gaada nyatu2 nya sama sekali ini kelas hem but yep never mind. I also had a great times with all of you guys :) My best best three friends --> Sexiest Anne, Uniquely Astari, and the nicest one Prita! Cuma mereka yang bikin gue betah di kelas ini. Trus cowo nya Uchal, Bonggeng, Jibay, Acil, Ijak, Gope yg berisik gelaa trs Topan yg homo slalu gabung sm gue anne prita tari trs Glayds and the gank and Niki include it for sure trs Icca and the gank trs Tray and the gank trs banyak lah pokok nya *maafya yg ga disebutin aheem trs wali kelas gue super baik parah nama nya bu Sri tapi dia gamau paling difoto ah pokoknya loveable banget bu Sri :)

well, see you later guys! I'll be missing you eventhough we're sucks haha thanks for everything. Have a great class on grade 12!

well, see you later guys! I'll be missing you eventhough we're sucks haha thanks for everything. Have a great class on grade 12!
poor Valentino Rossi
Valentino Rossi is my man!haha and the second is Jorge Lorenzo! both of them are in Yamaha team. Sedih banget deh Rossi sekarang lagi cedera jadi gabisa ikut 4 race ato berapa gitu gue lupa hm. Untung ada pacarku satu lagi si Lorenzo jadi si monyet Stoner keok haha :) Lorenzo ada di urutan pertama sekarang trus si Rossi di urutan kelima aheem gpp deh Rossi kan udh menang kmrn. Rossi kan orang Italy looh maka nya gue cintaah banget sm dia ahaha. Get well soon Valentino Rossi :)
P.S : this photo was taken in Catalunya circuit when he testing with Ferrari

FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010
World Cup is the biggest football event. Everybody loves it. And in this year World Cup is held in South Africa. Adidas made a ball for World Cup named Jabulani. Africa made a mascot named Zakumi. Whats your favorite team dude? I always support Italy in World Cup but I doubt that Italy will be a champion again in this year cause they were sucks in the game. Gah! So, I decide to support Brazil now xx I love Kaka :D
Juni 18, 2010
Ti amo....
Today is a winding road
Thats taking me to places that I didnt want to go, whoa
Today in the blink of an eye
Im holding on to something and I do not know why I tried
I tried to read between the lines
I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation what Im feeling inside
I gotta find a way out
Maybe theres a way out
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know youre unlike any other?
Youll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I dont wanna ever love another
Youll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder
Today is a winding road
Tell me where to start and tell me something I dont know
Today Im on my own
I cant move a muscle and I cant pick up the phone, I dont know
And now I'm itching for the tall grass
And longing for the breeze
I need to step outside, just to see if I can breathe
I gotta find a way out
Thats taking me to places that I didnt want to go, whoa
Today in the blink of an eye
Im holding on to something and I do not know why I tried
I tried to read between the lines
I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation what Im feeling inside
I gotta find a way out
Maybe theres a way out
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know youre unlike any other?
Youll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I dont wanna ever love another
Youll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder
Today is a winding road
Tell me where to start and tell me something I dont know
Today Im on my own
I cant move a muscle and I cant pick up the phone, I dont know
And now I'm itching for the tall grass
And longing for the breeze
I need to step outside, just to see if I can breathe
I gotta find a way out
Maybe theres a way out
Yeah Im walking on a tightrope
I'm wrapped up in vines
I think Ill make it out but you just gotta give me time
Strike me down with lightning
Let me feel you in my veins
I wanna let you know how much I feel your pain
Juni 15, 2010
June 12th, 2010.. itu 7th monthsarry gue loh sm Oktavian. kmarin nya gue kesel sm dia eh tapi udah engga lagi. as usual, dia ngirim sms jam 12 malem isi nya xxxxxxx pokok nya intinya ngasih selamet deh eh gue nya tidur jd gue ngirim nya pagi-pagi.
malem nya dia ke rumah gue deh trus makan bareng di Margonda sm bu Rina, pak Eddy, dan Aya.
sesampai nya di rumah......
ocke bilang 'yes I have something for you'. nahloh, w jd deg-deg-an! trus ocke ngambil something dr mobil nya dan................................... jeng-jeng

ocke ngasih gue boneka aheemm bukan boneka juga sih kayanya hm semi-boneka lebih tepat nya haha kaget bangetgue ocke ngasih gituan tpi ceneeeeng ^_^ lucukaaaan?dia beli nya udah lama pas lagi di Italy. tapi dia mau ngasih nya di waktu yg tepat. kenapa dia ga ngasih nya pas ulang tahun gue? karna lupa bawa dan ketinggalan di rumah -__-' astaga!
ini lucu loooh. jadi di belakang nya ada puteran gtu nah klo di puter ini bunyi trus kepala nya muter-muter kaya trio macan :D ucul cekaleh pokok nya! tapi nyokap gue takut sama semi-boneka ini kata nya ceyem mata nya :(
gue sama ocke menamai ini dengan nama Venezia karna beli nya di Venice (astaga gue ngiri banget sm ocke -_-) tapi karna ribet jadi ganti deh Venejia hahaha
makasihyaa ockeyeeensss! smg bisa sampe 1thun deh amiiiinnn....
malem nya dia ke rumah gue deh trus makan bareng di Margonda sm bu Rina, pak Eddy, dan Aya.
sesampai nya di rumah......
ocke bilang 'yes I have something for you'. nahloh, w jd deg-deg-an! trus ocke ngambil something dr mobil nya dan................................... jeng-jeng

ocke ngasih gue boneka aheemm bukan boneka juga sih kayanya hm semi-boneka lebih tepat nya haha kaget bangetgue ocke ngasih gituan tpi ceneeeeng ^_^ lucukaaaan?dia beli nya udah lama pas lagi di Italy. tapi dia mau ngasih nya di waktu yg tepat. kenapa dia ga ngasih nya pas ulang tahun gue? karna lupa bawa dan ketinggalan di rumah -__-' astaga!
ini lucu loooh. jadi di belakang nya ada puteran gtu nah klo di puter ini bunyi trus kepala nya muter-muter kaya trio macan :D ucul cekaleh pokok nya! tapi nyokap gue takut sama semi-boneka ini kata nya ceyem mata nya :(
gue sama ocke menamai ini dengan nama Venezia karna beli nya di Venice (astaga gue ngiri banget sm ocke -_-) tapi karna ribet jadi ganti deh Venejia hahaha
makasihyaa ockeyeeensss! smg bisa sampe 1thun deh amiiiinnn....
Juni 14, 2010
this is my first post after I re-made my blog haha gaptek banget ye gue.ini ngedit blog nya di bantuin sama si Ena Djuanda soalnya gue bego banget dalam hal per-blog-an hm akhirnyaaaaa gue punya blog yg layak pakai *duileeeh lebeh.
I think its time to sign off, byee.....
I think its time to sign off, byee.....
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