Everybody wants the good life
But now you can't settle for the easy ride, take life the hard way
Because life is not always diamonds and chocolate, usually it's just plain solid rocks and shits
But now you can't settle for the easy ride, take life the hard way
Because life is not always diamonds and chocolate, usually it's just plain solid rocks and shits
Sekarang gue lagi bener2 ngerasa ada di hard way nya hidup. Karna semua hal yang gue bener2 gue mauin ga pernah bagus di mata orang-orang terdekat gue. Hellooo! this is my life, rite? Do your own business and stop bothering mine!
Gue akuin kalo gue ini emang belum dewasa. Banyak hal yang belum bisa gue handle sendiri. But give me a chance, mom. Just for a moment.. Can I doing things I really wanna do?
I always feel like I'm a stupid girl. Why? Its because I feel many people always bothering me. Selalu nganggep gue lemah, enteng, dan gampang dibegoin. Is it right? Kalo pun emang iya gue bakal berusaha jadi lebih baik. I just need one thing, dude. Just give me a chance and I will prove you if I can be better!
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